Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas 2014

We started off our Christmas activities with a fun Christmas Eve Eve at the Coombs home where we reenacted the story of Christ's birth, opened a few presents, and simply enjoyed being with family.  Sam was a wise (wo)man and little Doogles was a shepherd.

 Check out King Herod!  Or is it King James? :)

 We spent Christmas Eve at Aunt Bonnie's house singing Christmas carols, eating yummy food, and conversing with more wonderful family.

You know you're living in the age of technology when the pianist is reading the music from an iPhone.
Singing songs and being merry.
 It was a relatively warm day yesterday; the warm before the storm.  This morning we woke up to 3-4 inches of beautiful white stuff and as I type this blog there are large white flakes coming down.
 Dad's burning bush.
 Christmas morning presents.  Douglas is almost out.
 And now he's out.  He doesn't have the little kid excitement for Christmas yet.
 "Hey, watch where you're pointing that thing."
 "I already gave you one warning!  Next time I'll give you the karate chop."

 "You DO NOT mess with redheads!"
 When I travel overseas I'm told I look like a famous Syrian actor known as "al-Nims" on a Syrian comedy TV show.
I brought some sweets back from my last trip, wrapped the box, and gave it to the nephews for Christmas.  As you can see, they loved the candy.  Hardy har.
 Dad was wondering if we would receive a Christmas edition of the Deseret News this morning.........and then he decided to snowblow the driveway.  He found the newspaper underneath the snow......after it went through the snowblower. :)
He's our little hunk!
 Christmas dinner
And the amazing dessert

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